Saturday, September 19, 2009

Been a long time.

Hello fellow bloggers! Sorry I haven't been around i've been busy with all the assignment dead lines and work. Thank gawd I work for myself, and can work when I want but the lack of sleep really sucks.
But I do have one thing to report... First week of school we were told to do alot of creative writing/free writing in a journal. This is something I have never done before, but when she told us that it would help us get out of a creative rut I was all over it. (When I said "she" I meant Sarah she teaches the Creative Imaging class). So far i've forced myself to write everyday even when I feel like I don't have much to say or when I feel completely blank I write "Nothing to write, nothing to write" over and over untill my day unfolds all over the page. Soon after I feel so much better, I get a second wind and start writing down ideas for images I want to take or start snapping shots at that very moment. And as for all those assignments we get everyday... I find them fun and feel like it isn't school or work at all. I hope this excitment and enthusiasm never dies down or at least carries out till the end of school.

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