Thursday, November 26, 2009

True colours

I really liked this assignment because colours are everywhere! But at the same time I found it challenging because I don't use a lot of colours in my art work, with black and gray as my favorite colours I tend to work those more often. So I wasn't sure if my colour block assignment was going to be good at all but by the end of it, it really surprised me.

When I decided to take images of colour I wanted the colour to be dominent in my images so I first thought of foods because I always associate red with apples, green with lettuce, and yellow with bananas. But when I took the image for my yellow it was an image of a cupcake with yellow icing this made me very happy, yellow just seems like happiness! And on top of a cupcake! It’s a very happy, delicious match. Then when I photographed for the colour green I got the leaves of something I can't remember but the image feels organic and fresh. With the image of the pink flowers (fake flowers) I got the feeling of warmth and cuteness I'm not sure why cute though... Then when I took the image for blue this image made me feel calm and smooth
easy going.

When I asked my girl friend how the colours made her feel she pretty much said the same thing. The yellow made her happy (and hungry), the blue felt calm and green very earthy.
The thing I found most surprising was the image I got of a man molding glass with fire. At first you see the bright orange glow of the flame but before the flame you see the blue flames and when you think of blue you think cold and not of fire but at the hottest point of the flame its blue then it goes orange where as you usually you feel warm and hot from orange.
By the end of it all I felt successful with my images by showing their true colours...
*insert song True colors, by Cyndi Lauper here *

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